
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Autokey Cipher

Autokey encryption and decryption

Autokey = P

This Autokey is polyalphabet Substitution cipher. In this cipher, the key is a stream of subkeys which is each subkey is used to encrypt the corresponding character in the plaintext.

For example

Plaintext --> F O L L O W D I R E C T I O N
Key       --> P F O L L O W D I R E C T I O

As shown, the key is add the first of subkeys.

Lets Encrypt

              F O L L O W D I R E C T I O N
              P F O L L O W D I R E C T I O
          (+) U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B
 * can use vigenere table to calculate

Lets Decrypt

Put the key first

              U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B
Do subtraction cipher - key. ex: U - P = F . Add F plaintext letter to the end of the keystream.

              P F
              U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B

Do subtraction cipher - key. ex: T - F = O . Again add O plaintext letter to the end of the keystream.

              F O
              P F O
              U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B
              F O L
              P F O L
              U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B

              F O L L
              P F O L L
              U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B

continue subtraction until

              F O L L O W D I R E C T I O N
              P F O L L O W D I R E C T I O
              U T Z W Z K Z L Z V G V B W B


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   Autokey encryption and decryption
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.math.*;

public class Autokey{
   private static String alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
   public static void main(String[] args){
      String text = "FOLLOWDIRECTION";
      String key = "P";  //15 - P
         key = ""+alpha.charAt(Integer.parseInt(key));
      String enc = AutoEncryption(text,key);
      System.out.println("Plaintext : "+text);
      System.out.println("Encrypted : "+enc);
      System.out.println("Decrypted : "+AutoDecryption(enc,key));

   public static String AutoEncryption(String text,String key){
      int len = text.length();
      String subkey = key + text;
      subkey = subkey.substring(0,subkey.length()-key.length());
      String sb = "";
      for(int x=0;x<len;x++){
         int get1 = alpha.indexOf(text.charAt(x));
         int get2 = alpha.indexOf(subkey.charAt(x));
         int total = (get1 + get2)%26;
         sb += alpha.charAt(total);
      return sb;   
   public static String AutoDecryption(String text,String key){
      int len = text.length();
      String current = key;
      String sb ="";
      for(int x=0;x<len;x++){
         int get1 = alpha.indexOf(text.charAt(x));
         int get2 = alpha.indexOf(current.charAt(x));
         int total = (get1 - get2)%26;
         total = (total<0)? total + 26 : total;
         sb += alpha.charAt(total);
         current += alpha.charAt(total);
      return sb;

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